Wednesday, February 27, 2008

More Lord!

I was spending some time with the Lord this morning while the kids were all still in bed for a 2 hour delay..PRAISE GOD for that sweet time..
AND.. I was praying, COME Lord, MORE Lord!! BEFORE I read the Psalm He laid before me...
Here's what I read after I prayed...

Out of Zion (us) the perfection of beauty, GOD WILL SHINE FORTH!!
Our God SHALL COME, and shall NOT keep silent. Psalm 50:2b-3a

Oh, isn't He soooo good!!

Yesterday, an amazing amazing woman was at prayer group. She owns an orphanage in Thailand called Agape Home. She was sharing testimony after testimony of God's goodness, power and favor.
One story impacted me sooo much.
God told a man (don't remember if it was her husband or not... she knew him though)... to go to a certain country. (can't remember the country.. but it doesn't matter) He didn't have a ticket!! He didn't have a ticket!!
So, in obedience, he packed his bags, went to the airport, stood in line.. WITHOUT MONEY OR A TICKET... and just as he was next in line to the counter, he heard the Lord tell him to go to the bathroom and pee. =) too funny!?!?!
He wrestled with God for a couple of moments..then went. He left his bag outside the bathroom. and went in to pee. When he came out of the bathroom, HE WAS IN THE COUNTRY he was supposed to travel to!!!

Ok, so when I heard this story... not only was I dumbfounded at God... but I was dumbfounded that my faith only pictured a ticket waiting for him on his suitcase when he came out of the bathroom... but never in a zillion years believed God for miraculous transportation. I knew that God had taken Elijah and Elisha to heaven in the bible.. but until I researched it out more... I didn't realize there were many other such similar miracles God did. Ezekiel 11:24, Daniel 14:36, 1 Kings 18:12...etc.

I mean... a miracle is something that ONLY GOD can do.. that defies the laws of nature, be it human OR physical nature...
WHY OH WHY do I limit God so??? Oh, and why do I only believe in something God's done before??? Why not have the faith of Joshua and tell the sun to stand still??

I am so deeply deeply encouraged to explode the lid even further off of what I expect God to do when I pray. As Jesus says in the story of the little girl who was raised from the dead....Luke 8:50 Don't be afraid... ONLY BELIEVE.
You know what??? SIGN........... ME............. UP!!!

More Lord!!!

Actually, I found a definition today for the Hebrew...

3254- yacaph- to add or augment, to CONTINUE TO DO A THING!!, come more, conceive again, continue, exceed gather together, get more, give more, proceed further, prolong, stronger.

Here's a verse that uses that word for more...

Psalm 71:14-16a
But I will hope continually, and will praise You yet MORE and MORE. My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness and Your salvation ALL THE DAY, for I do not know their limits. I will go in the strength of the Lord God.

I await His intervention. I ask Him to lead me to pray for the impossible and see the glory of Himself revealed more and more in my life... TODAY!!!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Only Believe

I've gotta start blogging again. I need a way to express what God's doing in my life without spamming my girlfriends' in boxes. =) I know they don't mind... but this really is better!
I am so excited to be walking in obedience with Jesus and FINALLY at a place where my heart is open to Him, and willing to JUST BELIEVE and obey what He asks me to do.

Here's a little snitch I got the other day from Him... SOO encouraging!

I was really struck at the situation that occurred with Peter, James and John & the synagogue ruler & his wife in the room with the little girl. The story is from Luke 8... you'll have to look it up if you need the details..
Jesus told everyone BEFORE they went into her house "don't be afraid, ONLY BELIEVE, and she will be made well." In other words,
BELIEVE BEFORE you see how bad a situation REALLY is. Halleluiah!
The Greek word for believe here means to trust, and ENTRUST your spiritual/mental..... well being to Him. I felt like this was a word for me that all I need to do is BELIEVE. The Lord is "messing with" so many 'past hope areas' in our lives... like the little girl. When He told P, J &J and the mom and dad that she wasn't dead, only asleep.. they RIDICULED him and laughed in pain and bitterness, at the cruelty of this sortof a remark. They were obviously in pain, and it seemed like the craziest,meanest thing for a person of sound mind, and "supposed divinity" to question their ability to assess if someone was dead or not, and give them such a ridiculous call to hope.
He's saying... lean in and ONLY believe, I'm NOT MESSING WITH YOU. You have permission to fully lean into me, and entrust your emotions and spiritualwell being to ME........ I will raise the dead in these areas.