Sunday, February 24, 2008

Only Believe

I've gotta start blogging again. I need a way to express what God's doing in my life without spamming my girlfriends' in boxes. =) I know they don't mind... but this really is better!
I am so excited to be walking in obedience with Jesus and FINALLY at a place where my heart is open to Him, and willing to JUST BELIEVE and obey what He asks me to do.

Here's a little snitch I got the other day from Him... SOO encouraging!

I was really struck at the situation that occurred with Peter, James and John & the synagogue ruler & his wife in the room with the little girl. The story is from Luke 8... you'll have to look it up if you need the details..
Jesus told everyone BEFORE they went into her house "don't be afraid, ONLY BELIEVE, and she will be made well." In other words,
BELIEVE BEFORE you see how bad a situation REALLY is. Halleluiah!
The Greek word for believe here means to trust, and ENTRUST your spiritual/mental..... well being to Him. I felt like this was a word for me that all I need to do is BELIEVE. The Lord is "messing with" so many 'past hope areas' in our lives... like the little girl. When He told P, J &J and the mom and dad that she wasn't dead, only asleep.. they RIDICULED him and laughed in pain and bitterness, at the cruelty of this sortof a remark. They were obviously in pain, and it seemed like the craziest,meanest thing for a person of sound mind, and "supposed divinity" to question their ability to assess if someone was dead or not, and give them such a ridiculous call to hope.
He's saying... lean in and ONLY believe, I'm NOT MESSING WITH YOU. You have permission to fully lean into me, and entrust your emotions and spiritualwell being to ME........ I will raise the dead in these areas.

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