Thursday, March 29, 2007

Seeing isn't always believing

Wednesday, January 18, 2006
So it was that while they conversed and reasoned, that Jesus HIMSELF drew near and went with them. Luke 24:15
Who knows why they were going to Emmaus…who knows who the other guy with Cleopas was, and WHY we had never heard much about him before this point… but nonetheless, this good sized walk was on their plate for the day, the day of Jesus’ resurrection.
They were grieved beyond belief, but not beyond words, for they just talked and talked about their REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE of watching “The Passion of the Christ”on the full color screen of life. They were processing, as many of us have after watching that unbelievably gripping, life changing movie. Not knowing the end of the story, they were left in a pit, knowing that there was something so very very wrong that had just happened 2 days earlier, it must have felt unbearably helpless as well for them to know they could never ever bring that amazing Man back. I don’t know if they were ripped to shreds at their abandonment of Jesus in his darkest hour, or their wonderment at HOW they could have PREVENTED this from happening; but these men had BEEN with Jesus…had tasted of His presence, his love and power, and were now left with a canyon sized hole in their hearts that needed a good filling.
I am amazed at Jesus’ love for these men, that He would choose to spend some very sweet time with some guys that he had invested in so dearly, but who still DIDN’T GET IT! Still didn’t want to risk. He was willing to walk it out with them, and listened to every bit of misunderstanding they still had. Their problem was they were slow of heart. And I believe Jesus was there to address this very crucial issue. He could have let them see who He was from the very beginning of their journey, but they needed to see Him with their hearts as well as their eyes. And that’s what He was giving them every opportunity to do.
When they got to their destination, which may or may not have been THE destination, as Jesus mentioned He wanted to still walk on farther… they asked HIM to abide with THEM!!! Crazy!!
But that’s just like Jesus…even when it’s supposed to be the other way around, He’s willing to abide with us, break bread with us right where we’re at… in the right town or not, and open our eyes to really see Him. I wonder if it was WHAT He said, when He prayed the blessing over the bread, if the words were a little too familiar, perhaps similar to what they had heard when He blessed the bread and broke it for the 5 thousand, or one of the countless times they had eaten with Him in Mary and Martha’s house. Or could it have been the very fresh scars that peeked through the sleeves of His robe as He tore the bread for them, once again. Who knows what “did it” for them… but they saw Him, KNEW Him, and then He was GONE.. poof… vanished… Now, go share that little tidbit about Him with your kids!! In His absense, they remembered “that feeling” they had while He was speaking with them, and was opening the Scriptures up to them on the way there. Their hearts had burned… but not to the point of truly igniting and catching fire to a fresh wind of belief that would have ROCKED their little walk with Jesus. Nonetheless, something in them had known a few miles back, that this was no ordinary Man.
Thank you for all the times you have walked with me, as I have conversed and reasoned…talking all ABOUT you… but not TO You. Lord, seriously open the eyes of my understanding, I really really want to see You. You’re the only thing that will soothe my soul. You are the only way I want to go. God… intercept my “way” today, and I pray that if you want to still “journey on” I wouldn’t get caught up in my destination, but that You would take me where You’re going. Jesus, I want to have a quick heart to believe. I know that I am in the same boat as these two followers of Yours, only I know the story, I get to ask You for the things that I can see they lacked. If there is only one thing I can have at this moment. I want You. You Yourself… the real Jesus. I want to be where YOU are. God..I’m going to seek You, as this burning in my heart won’t quit. I know it’s part of hoping, part of what this side of heaven is like. Lord our bodies, our hearts, everything that is US, as humans… Jesus, we long for You so. Thank you that you say to us… “Handle Me and see!!! Luke 24:39”… You will be found, touched, and wept over.

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